Prashant Mishra

Stories Of Extreme Sports Enthusiasts

Alex Honnold - Free Solo Climbing

Climbed the 3,000-foot vertical rock face without ropes or safety gear.

Felix Baumgartner - Stratosphere Jump

First human to break the sound barrier without vehicular power in a freefall jump from the stratosphere.

Bethany Hamilton - Surfing Champion

Won numerous championships and became an inspirational figure in the surfing community.

Danny MacAskill - Extreme Mountain Biking

Danny's creativity and fearlessness have redefined what's possible on a bike, inspiring millions worldwide.

Joby Ogwyn - Wingsuit Flying

Joby's high-risk wingsuit flights push the limits of human flight and precision.

Chloé Trespeuch - Snowboard Cross Champion

Olympic medalist and multiple-time World Cup winner in snowboard cross.

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