Janvi Singh

Stinkiest Fruits And Flowers Around The World

Durian fruit

Known as the "King of Fruits," the durian is infamous for its strong odor. 

Corpse flower

 The Corpse Flower, also known as the Titan Arum, is famous for its foul smell resembling rotting flesh.


 While not necessarily stinky to everyone, the jackfruit has a distinct aroma that some find strong. 

Rafflesia flower

 The Rafflesia flower is another example of a stinky flower. It emits a putrid smell similar to rotting meat.

Sulfur cosmos flower

 The Sulfur Cosmos flower has a pungent smell, often described as having a sulfur-like odor.

Voodoo lily

 The Voodoo Lily, also known as the Devil's Tongue, produces a strong odor similar to rotting meat. 

Skunk cabbage

Skunk Cabbage is a plant that emits a foul smell resembling that of a skunk.