Satisfy Your Junk Food Cravings With These Healthy Snacks



A Japanese dish that is made with immature soybeans and is packed with isoflavones, dietary fibres, and vitamins.

Kale Chips

A healthy alternative to junk foods, Kale Chips are crispy and savoury snacks that offer a satisfying crunch with more nutrients.   

Fruit With Dips

Fresh sliced fruits with nut butter, yoghurt, or a light dip provide a satisfying and sweet treat packed with fibre and vitamins.  

Banana Ice cream

Banana ice cream is a great alternative for your cravings, Blend frozen bananas until creamy for a guilt-free ice cream alternative that's naturally sweet and creamy

Hummus With Vegetables

Hummus is packed with fibre and protein, and having it with fresh vegetables adds crunch and nutrients.

Homemade Smoothie

For a nutritious and filling snack blend fruits, vegetables, and yoghurt or plant-based milk together that can also satisfy your cravings and is a filling snack.

Trail Mix

A mix of nuts, dried fruits, and seeds provides a satisfying combination of healthy fats, fibre, and protein.  

Mixed Nuts

Nuts like walnuts, almonds, or cashews offer a crunchy texture and are highly rich in protein, fibre, and healthy fats.