Raw Mango Culinary Delights Worth Trying This Summer


Raw Mango Popsicles

Homemade raw mango popsicles that are made with pureed raw mango, sweetened with a touch of sugar or honey, and frozen into moulds offer a refreshing and cool treat on hot summer days

Raw Mango Chutney

Raw Mango Chutney is a flavorful condiment made with raw mango, spices, and herbs can be tangy, spicy, or sweet depending on the ingredients used.

Raw Mango Salsa

A vibrant salsa made with diced raw mango, onions, tomatoes, cilantro, spices, and lime juice and offers a burst of tanginess and freshness.

Aam Panna

Aam Panna is a traditional Indian summer drink made with boiled raw mangoes, salt, sugar, and other spices.

Raw Mango Rice

flavorful rice dish made with grated raw mango, and cooked rice sauteed with curry leaves, mustard seeds, and green chillies.

Raw Mango Pickle

A spicy and tangy condiment made by marinating raw mango pieces with spices and salt and tempered with fenugreek seeds and mustard seeds. 

Raw Mango Salad

Tangy and refreshing salad made with shredded raw mango, bell pepper, carrot, cucumber, and red onion tossed with salt, lime juice, and chilli flakes.