Janvi Singh

Pregnant Women Should Never Have These Foods

Undercooked meat

To reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses, it's best to avoid consuming raw or undercooked meats, including beef, poultry, and seafood.

Raw eggs

 Raw or partially cooked eggs may contain harmful bacteria like salmonella. It's best to avoid dishes that contain raw eggs.

Soft cheeses

 Some soft cheeses, like Brie, Camembert, and feta, may contain listeria bacteria. 

Unpasteurized dairy products

 Unpasteurized milk and dairy products may contain harmful bacteria.

Undercooked fish

 Raw or undercooked fish, including sushi and sashimi, can contain parasites or bacteria.

Deli meats and Hot dogs

These processed meats may be contaminated with listeria bacteria. If you choose to consume them, ensure they are heated thoroughly until steaming hot.

Excessive caffeine

High levels of caffeine can affect fetal growth and increase the risk of preterm birth.