Janvi Singh

Places On Earth Which Appear To Be On Another Planet

Danakil Depression

Ethiopia: Known for its colorful hot springs and salt flats, it's one of the hottest and most inhospitable places on Earth

Atacama Desert

 Considered one of the driest places on the planet, it's famous for its lunar-like landscapes and salt flats.

Salar de Uyuni

The world's largest salt flat, it creates a mirror effect during the rainy season, resembling a vast expanse of sky.

Richat Structure

 Also called the Eye of the Sahara, this geological formation is a prominent circular feature in the desert.

Wadi Rum

Known for its red sand dunes and unique rock formations, it has been used as a filming location for movies set on Mars.

Antelope Canyon

 A slot canyon known for its wave-like structure and light beams that create a surreal and ethereal atmosphere.


 Famous for its white travertine terraces filled with mineral-rich thermal waters, it looks like a snowy landscape.