Prashant Mishra

On The Edge: Endangered Bird Species

Philippine Eagle

Also known as the Monkey-Eating Eagle, this majestic bird is critically endangered due to deforestation and hunting. 


 The Kakapo, a flightless parrot from New Zealand, faces extinction with fewer than 200 individuals left.

California Condor

Once on the brink of extinction, the California Condor has been part of an extensive conservation program that has helped increase its numbers, though it remains critically endangered.  

Spoon-billed Sandpiper

This small wader is rapidly declining due to habitat loss in its breeding and wintering grounds.

African Grey Parrot

Known for its intelligence and ability to mimic human speech, the African Grey Parrot is threatened by habitat loss and the pet trade.

Yellow-eyed Penguin

 Native to New Zealand, this penguin species is endangered due to predation by introduced species, habitat degradation, and human disturbance.  

Bali Myna

With its striking white plumage and blue eye patches, the Bali Myna is critically endangered due to habitat loss and illegal trapping for the pet trade.  

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