Janvi Singh

Mysterious Things That Science Still Can't Explain

Dark matter

This elusive substance makes up a significant portion of the universe, yet its nature and composition remain a mystery.


The origin and nature of consciousness, our subjective awareness, is a complex puzzle that scientists are still working to understand.

 Quantum entanglement

This phenomenon, where particles become connected across vast distances, challenges our understanding of cause and effect.

The placebo effect

The ability of a fake treatment to produce real effects in some individuals is still not fully understood by science.

The origin of life

Despite many theories, the precise processes that led to the emergence of life on Earth remain uncertain.

 The Bermuda Triangle

This region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean has been associated with mysterious disappearances, but the exact cause is still unknown.

The Wow! Signal

 In 1977, a strong radio signal was detected from space, but its source and meaning have yet to be determined.

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