Prashant Mishra

Mind-Bending Optical Illusions

The Spinning Dancer

This optical illusion, also known as the silhouette illusion, depicts a spinning dancer who appears to change direction based on your perception.

The Checker Shadow Illusion

In this illusion by Edward Adelson, squares A and B appear to be different shades of grey, but they are actually the same color.

The Penrose Stairs

This impossible object, also known as the "Stairway to Heaven," is a staircase that loops back on itself, creating an endless ascent or descent.

The Ames Room

In the Ames Room, people appear to grow or shrink as they move around the room, due to its distorted shape and clever perspective tricks.

The Kanizsa Triangle

Your mind perceives a white triangle overlapping three black circles, even though the triangle doesn’t actually exist.

The Müller-Lyer Illusion

Two lines of equal length appear to be different lengths due to the arrow-like ends pointing in opposite directions.

 The Rubin Vase

This famous optical illusion can be seen as either a vase or two faces in profile, depending on how you focus your perception.

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