Kodaikanal: Explore The Charm Of 'Princess of Hill Stations'


The Hilly Getaway

Also known as the 'Princess Of Hill Stations', Kodaikanal is a beautiful hill station that is very popular among adventure enthusiasts, nature lovers, couples, and families who are looking forward to a peaceful trip.

When Is The Best Time To Visit?

It is accessible year-round, and the best time to visit there is between October to March, however, summer and monsoon also proffer favourable conditions for a trip.

Notable Landscape

Kodaikanal is situated amidst the Palani Hills of the Western Ghats and is surrounded by rolling hills, crystally lakes, lush green valleys, and waterfalls.

Pristine Lakes

The most popular is Kodai Lake, it is an artificial star-shaped lake where tourists can experience the scenic vistas and boating.

Coaker's Walk

An amazing pathway that offers breathtaking views and is adjoined by valleys and hills and is considered a famous spot for photography.

Pine Forests

Pine forests exude a refreshing aroma and provide an excellent chance for birdwatching, walking, and photography.

Kurinji Flowers

If visiting Kodaikanal then must watch Kurunji Flowers as Kodaikanal is home to these rare flowers which bloom once every 12 years. They are purple-blue flowers that cover the hillside and make it a spectacular sight.