Prashant Mishra

Indian Art: Famous Paintings And Their Stories

Raja Ravi Varma: Shakuntala

The painting depicts Shakuntala, lost in thought, writing a letter to her lover, King Dushyanta. 

Amrita Sher-Gil: Three Girls

The painting, rich in color and emotion, offers a glimpse into the everyday lives and struggles of women, highlighting Sher-Gil's empathy and keen observation.

M.F. Husain: Horses

The bold, sweeping strokes and abstract forms of the horses symbolize power and freedom, encapsulating Husain’s modernist approach and his iconic style.

Tyeb Mehta: Mahishasura

Through geometric abstraction and intense colors, Mehta portrays the eternal struggle between good and evil, reflecting his unique artistic vision and modernist influences.

Jamini Roy: Mother and Child

Using simplistic lines and vibrant colors, Roy captures the deep bond between mother and child, celebrating the purity and warmth of familial love.

 F.N. Souza: Birth

His expressionist style, characterized by distorted figures and stark lines, reflects his critical view of religion and sexuality, making it a groundbreaking work in Indian modern art.

S.H. Raza: Bindu

The central black dot (bindu) represents the point of creation and the universe’s primal energy. 

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