Prashant Mishra

 Historical Milestones: Major Air Battles And Operations

The 1965 Indo-Pak War

- IAF played a crucial role in countering Pakistani advances. - Notable battles: Defence of Pathankot and strategic bombing missions.

The 1971 Indo-Pak War

- Operation Trident: Naval and air strikes crippling Karachi's port. - Operation Meghna Heli Bridge: Massive airlift across the Meghna River. Avani Chaturvedi, and Mohana Singh became the first female fighter pilots.

 Kargil War 1999

- First major use of air power in high-altitude combat. - Mirage 2000 jets used for precision strikes on enemy positions.

Operation Poomalai

- 1987: IAF air-dropped food and medicine to Tamil civilians in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. - Demonstrated IAF’s capability in humanitarian missions.

 Operation Cactus

- 1988: IAF airlifted Indian troops to thwart a coup in the Maldives. - Showcased rapid deployment and operational readiness.

Operation Vijay 1961

- IAF provided air support for ground troops. - Key in the successful annexation of Portuguese-held Goa, Daman, and Diu.

 Operation Rahat

- 2013: IAF conducted massive air rescue operations during Uttarakhand floods. - Saved thousands of lives, showcasing IAF’s humanitarian efforts.

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