Prashant Mishra

Global Sweets: A Tour of International Desserts

French Patisserie - Macarons

French macarons are delicate, colorful almond meringue cookies filled with ganache, buttercream, or jam.

Italian Gelato - Tiramisu

Tiramisu is a classic Italian dessert made with layers of coffee-soaked ladyfingers and mascarpone cheese.

Turkish Delights - Lokum

Lokum, also known as Turkish delight, is a confection made of gel and starch, flavored with rosewater or citrus fruits and often coated in powdered sugar.

Indian Sweets - Gulab Jamun

 Gulab jamun is a popular Indian dessert made of deep-fried milk solids soaked in a sweet syrup flavored with rosewater, cardamom, and saffron.

Japanese Wagashi - Mochi

Mochi is a Japanese rice cake made of glutinous rice pounded into a sticky paste and molded into various shapes.

Mexican Desserts - Churros

Churros are fried dough pastries rolled in cinnamon sugar, often served with chocolate or caramel sauce for dipping.

Middle Eastern Sweets - Baklava

Baklava is a rich, sweet pastry made of layers of filo dough filled with chopped nuts and sweetened with syrup or honey.

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