Prashant Mishra

Forgotten Historical Figures Who Shaped The World

Hedy Lamarr (Inventor and Actress)

More than a Hollywood star, her pioneering work in frequency-hopping technology laid the groundwork for modern WiFi and Bluetooth.

Nikolai Tesla (Inventor)

Though overshadowed by contemporaries, his work in electrical engineering and electromagnetism revolutionized the way we use energy today.

Ada Lovelace (Mathematician)

The first computer programmer who envisioned the potential of computing machines beyond mere calculation.

 Rosalind Franklin (Scientist)

 Her critical contributions to the discovery of DNA’s double helix structure were pivotal but often overlooked.

Ignaz Semmelweis (Physician)

Known as the 'savior of mothers,' he introduced handwashing practices that drastically reduced childbirth mortality rates.

Mary Anning (Paleontologist)

A pioneering fossil collector whose findings were crucial to the development of paleontology.

 Nanny of the Maroons (Freedom Fighter)

 A leader in the fight against colonial oppression in Jamaica, she led the Maroons to several victories.

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