Foods To Be Avoided By People Dealing With Kidney Problems


Processed Meats

Intake of meats like hot dogs, sausage, or bacon should be avoided as they are high in protein, phosphorus, and sodium.

High-Sodium Foods

Taking large amounts of sodium can be hazardous for anybody, especially for those with kidney problems.

Processed Foods

Foods that contain added phosphorus like frozen meals and packaged snacks should not be consumed as they may raise blood phosphorus levels.  


It interferes with kidney function, worsens the problem even more, and makes them less able to filter blood.

Certain Fruits and Vegetables

Leafy vegetables, melons, and avocados that are generally high in potassium should be avoided by kidney patients.


Intake of caffeine is not a healthy and great idea for kidney patients as it causes a short but sudden spike in blood pressure and causes dehydration that is not beneficial for the kidney.

Pickles, Olives, And Relish

Foods such as pickles and olives are added with salt during their manufacturing process and hence should be avoided.