Foods That Help Cool Down The Stomach Heat In Summers


Excessive heat during the summer months can lead to dehydration and stomach heat, potentially causing gastrointestinal issues.


Incorporating cold and water-rich foods into your diet can assist in reducing stomach heat and supporting digestive well-being.

Water Rich foods

Cucumbers, being naturally cooling vegetables, can help lower stomach heat and enhance digestive health.


Peppermint is a beneficial addition to your summer diet, offering cooling properties that can soothe the stomach and aid digestion when added to foods and beverages.


Yogurt or curd contains probiotics, which are rich in beneficial bacteria that promote gut health, improve digestion, and alleviate stomach heat.


Coconut water is rich in electrolytes, making it an excellent hydrating beverage that can lower stomach heat and aid digestion, particularly during the summer months.

Coconut Water