Prashant Mishra

 Essential Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips To Prevent Blasts

Regular Cleaning

Clean or replace your AC filters every month to prevent dust buildup and maintain airflow.

Inspect the Coils

Dirty coils reduce efficiency. Clean the evaporator and condenser coils annually.

Clear the Drain Channels

Ensure the drain channels are clear to prevent water damage and maintain humidity control.

Tighten Electrical Connections

Loose connections can cause electrical hazards. Check and tighten connections regularly.

Monitor Refrigerant Levels

Low refrigerant levels reduce efficiency and can cause overheating. Have a professional check it.

Ensure Proper Insulation

 Proper insulation of ducts prevents energy loss and improves efficiency.

Avoid Overworking the Unit

 Set a reasonable temperature and use fans to reduce the load on your AC.

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