Effective Yoga Asanas To Look 10 Years Younger


This inversion pose is highly beneficial for overall health and well-being. It increases blood flow to the face, promoting a healthy glow. It also strengthens the core and improves posture.


This backbend pose strengthens the spine and improves posture. It also opens the chest, which can help to improve breathing.  


This seated forward fold stretches the hamstrings and spine, which can help to improve posture. It also helps to calm the mind and relieve stress.

Janu Sirsasana

This forward fold helps to flush toxins from the body and improve circulation, which can lead to a brighter complexion.


This pose stretches and strengthens the neck, shoulders, and chest, which can help to improve posture and reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the neck and chest.

Setu Bandhasana

This restorative pose relieves stress and tension, which can contribute to facial wrinkles.


This inversion pose increases blood flow to the face, promoting a healthy glow. It also strengthens the core and improves posture, which can contribute to a more youthful appearance.

Adho Mukha Svanasana