Janvi Singh

Dos And Don’ts Of Eating Fermented Foods

Do: Refrigerate batter after fermentation. Don't: Leave batter out too long after fermentation. Quality Ingredients

Proper Storage

Quality Ingredients

Do: Use fresh, high-quality ingredients. Don't: Use stale or contaminated ingredients. Pair with Nutrient-Rich Foods

Pair with Nutrient-Rich Foods

Do: Pair with sambar and chutney.  Don't: Rely solely on fermented foods for nutrition.


Do: Drink plenty of water. Don't: Neglect hydration Observe 

Observe Digestive Reactions

Do: Monitor your body's response. Don't: Ignore digestive discomfort.

Homemade Preference

Do: Prepare at home if possible. Don't: Rely heavily on store-bought options.

Clean Utensils

Do: Use clean, sanitized utensils. Don't: Use unclean utensils.