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Inspired by Atticus Finch from *To Kill a Mockingbird* by Harper Lee. Atticus represents wisdom, integrity, and justice.


From *Oliver Twist* by Charles Dickens. Oliver symbolizes resilience, hope, and kindness.


Taken from Holden Caulfield in *The Catcher in the Rye* by J.D. Salinger. Holden reflects the complexities of adolescence and individuality.


Inspired by Fitzwilliam Darcy from *Pride and Prejudice* by Jane Austen. Darcy stands for sophistication, pride, and love.


From Sherlock Holmes, the brilliant detective created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock embodies intelligence, logic, and deductive reasoning.


Inspired by Dorian Gray from *The Picture of Dorian Gray* by Oscar Wilde. Dorian represents beauty, art, and the duality of human nature.


Taken from Jay Gatsby in *The Great Gatsby* by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Jay signifies ambition, mystery, and romance.

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