Prashant Mishra

Circular Economy: Businesses Leading The Way

Designing out waste and pollution

Businesses are rethinking product design to minimize waste and pollution.

Keeping products and materials in use

Extending the life of products through reuse, repair, and remanufacturing.   

Regenerating natural systems

Using renewable energy sources and materials that can be safely reintegrated into natural systems.


They encourage customers to repair their old Patagonia gear instead of buying new ones. 


 They are redesigning their products to be more durable and easier to repair. They also offer services for reusing and recycling old furniture.


Interface, a flooring company, has adopted a "Mission Zero" goal, committing to eliminating any negative impact it may have on the environment by 2020. 


The collected clothes are then sorted and either recycled into new textile fibers or reused.

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