Prashant Mishra

Bizarre Festivals You Won't Believe Exist

La Tomatina (Spain)

In the town of Buñol, thousands gather to throw overripe tomatoes at each other. This messy and fun festival is held every August.

Kanamara Matsuri (Japan)

This Japanese festival, held in Kawasaki, celebrates fertility, and features parades with giant phallic statues.

Baby Jumping Festival (Spain)

In Castrillo de Murcia, men dressed as devils jump over babies laid on mattresses to cleanse them of sin and bring good luck.

Cheese Rolling Festival (England)

In Gloucestershire, participants chase a rolling wheel of cheese down a steep hill, risking bumps and bruises for the prize.

Boryeong Mud Festival (South Korea)

This South Korean festival invites visitors to play, wrestle, and slide in mud. Held annually in Boryeong, it promotes the city's mineral-rich mud.

Monkey Buffet Festival (Thailand)

In Lopburi, locals honor the macaques with a grand feast of fruits and vegetables, attracting thousands of tourists.

Air Guitar World Championships (Finland)

Held in Oulu, contestants compete in mimicking playing the guitar to rock songs, judged on their creativity and enthusiasm.

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