Prashant Mishra

Best Exercises To Get 3D Rock Shoulders Like Vidyut Jammwal

Military Press

 Military journalism is a basic requirement for shoulder development. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, press the bar over your head and feel the burn!

 Arnold Press

Named after Arnold Schwarzenegger, this exercise targets all three deltoids. Rotate palm while pressing for maximum activation .

Side Raises

Side heights are mandatory for rounded overhangs. Keeping your core tight, raise your arms to your sides until they are parallel to the floor.


Front raises the focus to the front of the deltoids. Use dumbbells and lift them straight out in front of you, maintaining control throughout.

Bent Flies

Target the often neglected rear pits with this exercise. Bend at the hips and lift the dumbbells out to the sides.

Vertical rows

Upright rows are great for building traps and delts. Use a narrow grip and raise the bar to your chin.


Facial movements improve shoulder health and posture. Using the cable machine, pull toward the face and squeeze the shoulders.

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