Appetizing Snack Options For The Workplace


Fresh Fruits

A refreshing and nutritious snack option that also works as a natural energy booster.

Mixed Nuts

A satisfying and convenient office snack option for the office, Mixed Nuts are packed with healthy fats, proteins, and fibres.

Vegetable Crudites

Vegetable Crudite like finely sliced carrots, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, etc are low in calories but high in vitamins and fibres.

Cheese And Cracker

Whole wheat or whole grain crackers topped with low-fat cheese make a great combination that offers a balance of flavours and nutrients.

Dark Chocolate

 An indulgent yet nutritious office snack option that promotes heart health and cognitive function.

Cucumber bites

A quick and healthy snack that is hydrating and light generally low in calories but high in water content and works as a mild energy booster.

Instant Porridge

A warm and comforting snack, Instant porridge is a quick and satisfying treat that is packed with complex carbohydrates and fibres.