Animals Known For Their Friendly Nature



Dolphins often interact positively with humans and are known for their intelligence, playful and social nature and also interact with swimmers in a friendly manner


Also known as sea cows, Manatees are gentle giants of the sea and are known to be docile and non-aggressive towards humans.

Capuchin Monkeys

Capuchin Monkeys are social, non-threatening and intelligent primates who often exhibit curiosity towards humans and may approach them in search of food or interaction.


Girrafes are curious and peaceful animals known for their gentle and calm nature.

Manta Rays

Manta rays are graceful creatures of the ocean known that can be playful around snorkelers and divers.


Elephants are generally unthreatening and peaceful and can form strong bonds with humans and are known for their intelligence and memory.


Swans often symbolise beauty and grace and are generally non-aggressive, protective, and friendly towards humans.