8 Yoga Asanas To Relief Periods Pain

Khushi Patel

Child's pose

Releases tension and discomfort by gently stretching the hips and back.

Cat-cow pose

It improves spinal flexibility and eases menstruation discomfort by massaging the reproductive organs.

Seated forward bend

Menstrual cramps can be relieved by stretching the hamstrings and spine with the seated forward bend.

Supine twist

This posture eases discomfort and promotes relaxation by releasing tension in the abdomen and back.

Setu bandhasana

It is also known as Bridge Pose, opens the chest and extends the spine, relieving menstrual-related back pain.

Bound angle pose

This pose eases menstruation cramps and encourages relaxation by opening the hips and groin.

Legs-up-the-wall pose

This pose eases discomfort by increasing circulation and lowering leg edema.

Subbing bound angle pose

This pose opens the hips and abdomen, relieving menstruation pains and promoting relaxation.