8 Things You Should Not Do While Cooking Green Vegetables

Khushi Patel


Steer clear of overcooking green veggies as this might result in a loss of flavour, colour, and nutrients. To keep them crisp and colourful, try steaming, blanching, or briefly sautéing.

Boiling for too long

Long-term boiling of green vegetables can extract water-soluble vitamins, such as B and C. Alternatively, steam them until just soft, or blanch them for a short while in boiling water.

Baking soda addition

Steer clear of adding baking soda to cooked green vegetables as it will sabotage their bright colour and change their flavour and texture.

Cooking at high heats

Cooking green vegetables at high heats for too long can lead them to become mushy and lose their nutritious value. To maintain their texture, cook them at a lower temperature for shorter periods of time.

Adding too much salt

 Green vegetables might benefit from a little salt, but too much salt can mask their natural flavour and make them less appetising.

Totally covering them

 When cooking, try not to fully cover green veggies as this might trap steam and cause overcooking. To let steam out, cover the pot or pan only partially.

Using too much butter or oil

While a tiny bit of butter or oil can give green veggies taste and richness, using too much of either can add needless calories and fat.

Adding acidic substances too early

Green vegetables can lose their bright colour and become boring when acidic substances, such as vinegar or lemon juice, are added too early in the cooking process. Just before serving or near the conclusion of cooking, add the acidic components.