8 Habits That Make A Person Toxic 

Khushi Patel

Constant Criticism

It is harmful to foster an atmosphere where people are always criticizing others, finding fault with everything, and being extremely pessimistic.


It is toxic behavior to use strategies of manipulation to control others, such as gaslighting, guilt-tripping, or mind games. It erodes the foundation of constructive dialogue and increases feelings of uneasiness and mistrust.


Spreading rumors or gossiping about other people may be destructive and polarizing. It may ruin reputations, instill mistrust, and produce a poisonous climate of drama and negativity.

Lack of Accountability

Toxic conduct includes refusing to accept responsibility for one's actions, placing the blame for issues on other people, and offering justifications rather than facing up to mistakes. It stifles personal development and breeds relational discord.

Jealousy and Envy

Comparing oneself to others all the time, taking offense at their accomplishments, and retaining jealously or envy can sour relationships and breed resentment and insecurity.

Controlling Behavior

Toxic behavior is the attempt to control or influence the decisions, behaviors, or interpersonal connections of others. It erodes individualism and encourages sentiments of discontent and disobedience.


A pessimistic view, continuous grumbling, and a constant focus on the negative can sap energy and create a toxic atmosphere. It may also prolong depressing and gloomy sentiments.

Lack of Empathy

Relationships can suffer from emotional distance caused by ignoring or discounting other people's feelings, being indifferent to their needs, and displaying a lack of empathy. It increases bitterness and feelings of loneliness.