7 Restaurants With Epic Art Collection

Janvi Singh

The Cutting edge (New York City, USA)

Situated in the Gallery of Current Craftsmanship, The Advanced features contemporary workmanship while offering a top notch food experience.

Sketch (London, UK)

Known for its unique and eclectic decor, Sketch features an impressive art collection throughout its multiple dining rooms.

La Colombe d'Or

 Add visual interest by painting the upper and lower cupboards in various varieties.

Galleria Restaurant (Dubai, UAE)

 Arranged in the Dubai Worldwide Monetary Center, Galleria Café consolidates craftsmanship 

The Jane (Antwerp, Belgium)

Housed in a previous church, The Jane highlights dazzling stained glass windows and an assortment of contemporary workmanship

The Rockwell Table & Stage 

  This eatery and diversion scene has live exhibitions and features a pivoting craftsmanship assortment

The Jane (New York City, USA)

 Situated in the memorable Jane Inn, this eatery brags an organized assortment workmanship