7 Most Foul-Smelling Animals On Earth



Stinkbugs are small insects known for emitting a foul odour as a defence mechanism when disturbed or threatened.


Well-known for their ability to spray an unpleasant-smelling and highly potent liquid when they feel threatened or in danger. This defensive spray can be effective from several feet away.

Honey Badger

Despite its name, the honey badger is associated with its musky and strong odour. This scent is thought to be used for marking territory and communication.

Tasmanian Devil

Primarily known for their aggressive behaviour, Tasmanian Devils have a strong odour emanating from their anal glands.


Due to their scavenging diet, Vulture has a unique smell and their digestive system allows them to consume decaying flesh, resulting in a distinct odour.


Ferrets have a musky odour produced by their scent glands that are also used for territorial marking

Striped Polecat

Striped Polecats also known as the African polecat are a small mammal that emits a strong, pungent odour from their anal glands when threatened