Bhojpuri Video: Bhojpuri industry superstar Pawan Singh and actress Sanchita Banerjee are overwhelmed on social media. Recently, an old song by both of them ‘Jaan Leba Ka Ho Baj Gail Chaar’ is trending on YouTube. This song is from the movie ‘Crack Fighter,’ which has been picturized by Pawan Singh and Sanchita Banerjee.
In this video, Pawan Singh is insisting on the actress getting romantic at midnight. At the same time, Sanchita is running away from the actor and is saying that it has been a long night. This song is sung by Pawan Singh and Priyanka Singh together. While its lyrics are written by Vinay Nirmal and the music is given by Chhote Baba. People are watching ‘Jaan Leba Ka Ho Baj Gail Chaar’ constantly, which is why it has got 6,148,857 views so far.