After a viral video from Bengaluru surfaced, the discussion on extended work hours and work-life balance came back up on social media. The video, which Peak Bengaluru posted on X, showed a typical scene in India’s IT sector: an IT worker riding a scooter and using a laptop.
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Concerns over productivity and safety were raised by the anonymous man who was balancing an open laptop on his lap with details of a Microsoft Teams meeting visible. This reignited conversations about ethical workplace conduct and secure transportation methods.
Bengaluru is not for beginners 😂
(🎥: @nikil_89)
— Peak Bengaluru (@peakbengaluru) March 23, 2024
The caption for the video said, “Bengaluru is not for beginners.”
Public reaction on the viral Bengaluru video
Users on social media were drawn to the viral video. In response, internet users showed sympathy and humor for the man.
One person said, “Riding the waves of productivity!” “Death can strike at any time and demand a client call,” the third user said.
People today are under a lot of pressure. Lack the ability to locate alternatives such as these,” remarked the third user.
“Amazing. “Looks like he’s on a Teams call,” said the fourth person.
A user previously posted a video showing a man at a theater using a laptop. Many people on the internet were drawn to this video.
Internet user KP posted the little 11-second video on X (previously Twitter). It shows a man in Bengaluru’s Swagath Onyx Theatre, the man using a laptop.