In a viral incident at Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College in Hyderabad, a group of students attempted to prank their professor by using a viral trick but ended up being outsmarted instead. The students aimed to imitate a prank made popular by their peers at Christ University in Bengaluru, but their elderly professor, who is well-versed in social media trends, saw right through it. This amusing encounter has now gone viral online, capturing the hearts of viewers.
The Prank Attempt
Students opted to play the “You can sleep” crack a funny debate about the grammatical acceptability of the two sentences, “You is sleep” versus “You can sleep.” They asked the professor if he didn’t believe that should be “You can sleep.” If the professor fell for this trick, students would use it as the signal to lay their heads down and take a snooze.
The Brilliant Response Of The Professor
Unlike the professor of Bangalore, the professor of MVSR was not so easily fooled. Heard the question asked by students, he started laughing, or so it appeared, and said in amusement, “Hehe, mujhe malum hai.” The word happily made the students laugh as they could not.
During an online interaction with his students, the professor revealed that he spends more time on Instagram than his students do. “Aap se zyada main vo sab dekhta hun. Though I am old, I like all those Reels,” he said. His sarcastic and good-natured reply was only adding to the fun at the moment.
Video Going Viral On Social Media
The amusing incident quickly went viral across social media platforms, mainly on Instagram where close to 2 million people watched the video and hundreds commented positively. Many hailed the professor, calling him a “pookie professor” while also adding that “the professor passed the vibe check.” An Instagram user humorously joked, “Professor is a professional reel consumer.”