Dinesh Karthik appeared upbeat following Royal Challengers Bengaluru‘s thrilling victory over Shikhar Dhawan’s Punjab Kings in the IPL 2024 match held at the M Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bengaluru on Monday, March 25. Playing at No.6, Karthik showcased his batting prowess by aggressively contributing 28 runs off just 10 deliveries, including three fours and two sixes, steering RCB to a successful chase of 177 runs with four balls remaining, marking RCB’s first win in the tournament.
After his impactful performance, Karthik humorously credited Kolkata Knight Riders’ Rinku Singh as his source of inspiration. However, behind the jest, Karthik also commended Rinku for his remarkable progress over the past year. Rinku, who had an impressive stint with the Knights in the previous season, has notably made strides in his career, even earning his debut for the Indian cricket team. With his consistent performances, Rinku emerges as a formidable candidate for selection in the T20 World Cup 2024 squad.
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Meanwhile, the 38-year-old Karthik discussed his focus on refining his game to maintain composure under pressure.
Earlier, there were rumors circulating about Karthik contemplating retirement from the IPL after the current season. Regarding Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB), they suffered a defeat against the Chennai Super Kings (CSK) by 6 wickets initially but managed to bounce back with a victory over Punjab Kings (PBKS).
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