Amid reports of a separation from his wife, Dhanashree Verma, cricketer Yuzvendra Chahal was seen with a mysterious woman in Mumbai. A video shared by The New Indian shows Chahal at a hotel in the city with a mystery girl. In the footage, Chahal is casually dressed in a white oversized t-shirt paired with light blue baggy jeans, while the woman is seen wearing a dark green oversized sweatshirt.
Information about the mystery girl is not available, but Chahal seemed to be hiding his face when clicked with her. The cricketing controversy about the alleged affair of Chahal with Dhanashree had also surfaced when the fans noticed that they had unfollowed each other on Instagram. Furthermore, Yuzvendra Chahal deleted all pictures of Dhanashree from his account, though she still has a few pictures of him on hers.
Back in 2022, Dhanashree had deleted her surname “Chahal” from the Instagram handle. Her move did lead to quite some speculation over some trouble brewing between them. Then around the same time, Chahal shared an ambiguous post in his Instagram story that said, “New Life Loading,” sparking much talk in the social sphere. Although the couple has not addressed the rumors directly, their social media activity has led many to question the status of their relationship.