Rumors about the separation of star cricketer Yuzvendra Chahal from his wife, Dhanashree Verma, have been doing the rounds in the last few days. Speculation went higher when Chahal deleted all pictures with Dhanashree from his social media accounts and she continues to keep the pictures up, causing confusion among the fans. Both Chahal and Dhanashree neither confirmed nor dismissed the rumors yet. Yuzvendra Chahal got engaged on August 8, 2020, with Dhanashree Verma, who is a YouTuber, a dance choreographer, as well as a dentist. Both of them got married in a private ceremony on December 22, 2020, in Gurgaon.
Yuzvendra Chahal Drops Another Cryptic Post
Chahal shared on his Instagram story: “Silence is a profound melody, for those who can hear it above all the noise.” – Socrates
Also Read: Dhanashree Verma Net Worth: Know How Rich Is Yuzvendra Chahal’s Wife
Yuzvendra Chahal Recently Spotted With Mysterious Girl
Amid reports of a separation from his wife, Dhanashree Verma, cricketer Yuzvendra Chahal was seen with a mysterious woman in Mumbai. A video shared by The New Indian shows Chahal at a hotel in the city with a mystery girl. In the footage, Chahal is casually dressed in a white oversized t-shirt paired with light blue baggy jeans, while the woman is seen wearing a dark green oversized sweatshirt.
Also Read: Yuzvendra Chahal Finds Love Again? Divorce Rumors Heat Up After Mystery Woman Spotted!
Tensions Between Yuzvendra Chahal And Dhanashree Verma Rise
The couple is reportedly nearing the end of their nearly five-year marriage. The rumors are said to have gained momentum when the couple allegedly unfollowed each other on Instagram.
While Chahal has deleted photos of their time together, Dhanashree has kept many pictures of their shared moments on her account. Neither has released an official statement about the rumors, leaving fans to piece together clues from their online behavior.