Suresh Raina shared that during a personal chat, MS Dhoni mentioned his enjoyment of Bhojpuri commentary during the ongoing IPL 2024. Raina, who was assisting Dhoni at Wankhede Stadium, revealed this conversation, highlighting their friendship and Raina’s support for Dhoni during the IPL 2024 El Clasico at Wankhede Stadium.
Despite his ongoing knee ailment, Dhoni had his left leg securely bound during the match against arch-rivals MI. Raina was seen after the match assisting Dhoni as he navigated the steps, showing support to his former teammate who was experiencing post-match discomfort.
You know you’re doing some good work when 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙖 𝘿𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙞 appreciates you 😍#TATAIPL #IPLonJioCinema | @ImRaina | @rpsingh | @anantyagi_
— JioCinema (@JioCinema) April 16, 2024
In a candid moment in the commentary box, Suresh Raina recounted an interesting conversation he had with Dhoni regarding Bhojpuri commentary during IPL 2024. “MS Dhoni was discussing Bhojpuri commentary. He said, Bahut hi gajabe commentary kar rahe Bhojpuriya me. I mentioned to him that Haryanvi commentary is also quite enjoyable,” Raina disclosed while speaking on JioCinema.
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This exchange not only underscores Dhoni’s involvement with the creative elements of the league but also demonstrates the camaraderie between the two cricketers, affectionately known as ‘Thala’ and ‘Chinna Thala’ by their devoted Chennai Super Kings (CSK) fans.
It’s important to recognize that even after relinquishing the captaincy, Dhoni remains a significant presence in the tournament, making a lasting impact through his dynamic performances on the field and his engaging interactions off it. As the IPL progresses with its innovations and entertainment, the addition of Bhojpuri commentary to its linguistic offerings has been hailed by some fans as “one of the best things to happen to IPL.”
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