“Mano buddhi ahankara chittani naaham
na cha shrotravjihve na cha ghraana netre
na cha vyoma bhumir na tejo na vaayuhu
chidananda rupah shivo’ham shivo’ham”
“I am not the intellect, the mind, or the self-identity. I am not the sense of taste, smell, hearing, or even of sight. I am not the Earth, the air, the fire, or even the ether. I, Shivoham, am the manifestation of unadulterated cosmic consciousness (I am the Shiva).
One of the greatest Hindu mystics, Adi Shankara, reminds us that our true selves are pure consciousness, which transcends the mind, the intellect, and the sensory faculty, in the Nirvana Shatakam.
Sri Krishna too in Chapter 3, Verse 43 of the Shrimad Bhagavat Gita reminds us to reclaim the sovereignty of our soul, when he exhorts Arjuna that –
‘Thus knowing the soul to be superior to the material intellect, O mighty armed Arjun, subdue the lower self (senses, mind, and intellect) by the higher self (strength of the soul)’
Guided by these illuminating words of self actualization, Rohit Sahoo is on a mission to help millions of people uncover their soul and awaken them to their innate spiritual power, harnessing which they can heal themselves from their unhealed traumas, manifest their dreams and transform their life.
He harbors a conviction that each one of us enters life as immensely powerful beings. However, as we grow older – we might find that the power of our soul, has been increasingly constrained by the cloak of our limiting beliefs, unhealed traumas and the coping mechanisms which we exercise as means to keep ourselves safe . Notwithstanding this fact, our inherent powers are still present, ready to be accessed by us at any time.
Rohit believes that through practicing meditation, we can tap into our unlimited potential, heal and liberate ourselves from the shackles of our limiting beliefs and unhealed trauma. Once released from these shackles, we then truly begin to perceive the transcendent intelligence and power inherent in us.
While he was growing up, Rohit’s experiences instilled in him an extraordinary depth & a keen sense of curiosity, which he has been continuously channeling in his ongoing spiritual journey. One experience, which has left a profound impact on Rohit, was his mother’s indomitable fight against brain tumor on two separate instances, which she eventually won through her sheer perseverance & will.
Witnessing his mother’s ability to exercise grace, faith & determination in her successful fight against brain tumor, inevitably left a profound impact on him. From an early age, he began to delve into the deeper dimensions of human existence, such as what it really means to be a human, what is our purpose of life, whether divine really exists, why is there suffering in life & what are the means by which we can manifest lasting joy in our life.
This overwhelming sense of inquisitiveness inevitably led Rohit to immerse himself in reading spiritual texts, spanning across all religious traditions which led him to an understanding that the highest truth is one, though it has distilled down to humanity through the varying streams of religions and mystical traditions.
By studying the spiritual texts, he also realized that by harnessing the ancient spiritual principles and practices such as meditation and breath work, we can experience joy and inner peace in our modern lives.
In a nutshell, he found that spirituality is as much relevant to a modern society as it was to our ancient civilisation.It’s not a coincidence that findings from modern science continue to validate the benefits of spiritual practices, such as meditation & breath work.
It’s also noteworthy, that Rohit has done his MBA from IIM Calcutta, one of the most prestigious business schools of World, which is affiliated with the MIT Sloan School of Management. While he was pursuing his MBA, he successfully wrote a theme paper on ‘Buddha ‘, which he submitted for his faculty’s review, as part of his final submission for his elective course on ‘Management, Culture and Creativity ’.
As advised by his guru, Rohit has been dedicatedly teaching meditation & breath work to tens of thousands of people across the globe, through both physical means and online channels for free.