Hypothyroidism is quite a common disease nowadays. when your thyroid gland secretes less amount of hormones i.e. thyroxine, you tend to suffer from hypothyroidism. Some of its common symptoms are weight gain, fatigue, thinning of hair, dry skin, puffy face, and more sensitivity to cold.
While it’s a hormonal disease and many oral medicines act as replacements for thyroxine, many patients tend to take it less sincerely for the fact that it’s not harming their survival. Little do they know that it affects their whole body and not just weight. Also, people sometimes accept weight gain and other issues for age factors or lifestyle disorders and are unaware of the disease they are suffering from.
Even if you’re not aware of what’s happening to you, you must consult a doctor if you see such changes because the disease won’t ignore you. You might end up facing these issues if you ignore hypothyroidism:
Goiter – This is the most common repercussion that we know. If your thyroid gland isn’t secreting enough thyroxine, it will try harder and harder to secrete it and end up getting enlarged into a goiter. So a goiter is an enlarged thyroid gland.
Heart disease – Patient suffering from hypothyroidism tends to have fluid retention and a rise in lipid (basically cholesterol and triglyceride) level and both these factors add to heart issues. Fluid retention may cause hypertension (high blood pressure) that may consequently cause congestive heart failure. The same is true for high cholesterol levels, it also causes hypertension and may create congestion in the heart.
Kidney disease – In the journal Scientific Reports, researchers reported data regarding a voluntary medical test which suggests that people with high TSH are more prone to have a kidney disease.
Fertility issue – Women who suffer from hypothyroidism usually have irregular menstrual cycle that impacts fertility. The autoimmune system that causes hypothyroidism may also lead to infertility.