Berry Orange Soda Recipe: This drink will keep you chilled in summer
Berry Orange Soda Recipe: It is summer season and sun-sweat makes you miserable. In this season, the condition starts getting worse in the name of going out of the house. In summer, everyone wants to keep drinking something cool or something that gives relief.
So today we are going to tell you about Barry Orange Soda, which is very tasty in taste. Also it is very easy to make. Orange juice, strawberries and lemon are required to make it and it is prepared very quickly. Let us know how to make Barry Orange Soda, which keeps chilled.
Berry Orange Soda: Ingredients
2 cups orange juice, 500 ml Sprite, as needed Lemon slices, as needed Mint leaves, 1 tsp sugar, 1 cup strawberries
The first thing you need to make Barry Orange Soda is strawberries. After this wash it well and cut it. Along with this, wash and cut the lemon as well.
After this take a serving glass and put chopped strawberries, lemon slices, mint leaves and 1 tsp sugar in it. After this mix all these well.
Then put small ice cubes in it and after that add half cup orange juice and 1/4 cup soda and mix it well. After this add sweetness according to your taste. After that you can enjoy it.
(Note- While preparing this summer drink, special care has to be taken that the orange juice is not already extracted. Means you should always use fresh orange juice to make it, so that its test does not deteriorate.
Also, if you use pre-extracted orange juice, it will make its taste bitter and will not taste very good. Along with this, if you want to make it even more refreshing, you can also add lemon and mint leaves to it.)
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