Chennai: Tamil Nadu government is all set to launch the ‘Kalaignar Magalir Urimai Thogai Thittam’ scheme, under which, the female head of the family will be given Rs 1,000 every month.
According to the report, monthly financial assistance will be provided to 1.06 crore eligible female family heads on September 15.
State Chief Minister MK Stalin on Monday said the amount would be transferred directly into the bank accounts of the beneficiaries. Beneficiaries of the scheme will be given ATM cards to withdraw this amount.
The scheme was launched on the birth anniversary of former Chief Minister CN Annadurai. While reviewing the scheme, Chief Minister Stalin asked Chief Secretary Shiv Das Meena to instruct the District Magistrates to monitor its implementation. Beneficiaries will get the information on their mobile phones. A release issued by the Chief Minister’s office said, ‘About 1.63 crore applications were received under this scheme, out of which a total of 1.06 crore have been accepted.’
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