New Delhi: Uttrakhand finance minister Prem Chandra Agarwal presented the first full budget worth 77407.08 crores of Puskar Dhami’s government in summer capital Gairsaid for the financial year 2023-24.
Now, let’s have a look at the top allocation of the budget.
- Uttrakhand government allocated Rs 4217.87 crore for the health sector
- Dhami Government granted 815.66 crores for Gardening and Apple farming
- Tourism Department got 302.04 Crore
- 461.31 crore allocated for the Manufacturing sector
- The education and youth development department got 19459.55 crore
- 2850.24 crore allocated for social development and women and child development department
- The agriculture department got 1294.15 crore
- The work and development department got 2791.83 crore
- This was the first complete budget of the BJP’s government after they retained power in December last year.