New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday said that the security situation in northeastern states, Jammu and Kashmir and left-wing extremism areas has improved over the last eight years.
“There’s a positive change in the internal security of nation. Earlier, there were big incidents in the northeast, Kashmir and left-wing extremism-affected areas,” he said.
The Union Minister further said, “Earlier, armed forces were given special power, now youth is given special powers for their progress and because of which there is a decline of violence in these areas by more than 70 per cent.”
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Addressing the gathering at the National Police Memorial on the occasion of ‘Police Commemoration Day, the Home Minister said police personnel have played an important role during the COVID-19 pandemic.
He further said that the situation in Jammu and Kashmir is such that the youths who used to hurl stones at security personnel earlier have now become “panches” and “sarpanches”.
“In the states affected by left-wing extremism) the national anthem is being sung in Eklavya schools while the national flag flutters on these buildings,” he said.
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“Youth earlier involved in throwing stones are now involved in various developmental projects introduced by the government. Under PM Modi’s vision, several measures have been undertaken to strengthen the internal security of country,” Shah added.
Shah said India is proceeding on the path of development due to the sacrifices made by the police and paramilitary personnel across the country.
Shah paid tributes to police personnel, who lost their lives in the line of duty, at the National Police Memorial in the national capital on the occasion of ‘Police Commemoration Day’.