The Congress and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) have decided to come together in Delhi for the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections. There are reports that the AAP will contest for four seats. Congress is allowed to run for three seats. According to sources, the Congress may run for office in the constituencies of Chandni Chowk, North East Delhi, and East Delhi. AAP can run for office in the Delhi constituencies of New Delhi, North-West Delhi, West Delhi, and South Delhi.
#WATCH | On INDIA alliance seat sharing in Delhi, Delhi Congress President Arvinder Singh Lovely says, “I am not directly involved in whether we are having an alliance or not. A committee headed by Mukul Wasnik is involved so I will not be commenting on that.”
— ANI (@ANI) February 21, 2024
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A Meeting On Seat Sharing Was Held Between AAP And Congress
Before this Arvind Kejriwal, the National Convenor Of The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Wednesday said that; a long conversation was held between AAP and Congress regarding the seat sharing in Delhi for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
When Did The Agreement Happen Between AAP And Congress?
The agreement between the two parties had come at a time on Wednesday itself; the Samajwadi Party (SP) and Congress have officially announced an alliance in UP and Madhya Pradesh. Congress will contest elections on 17 seats in UP. Whereas Samajwadi Party will contest elections on one seat in Madhya Pradesh.
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