New Delhi: Ahead of Gujarat Assembly polls, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is all set to start the distribution of PMJAY-MA Yojana Ayushman cards in the state on October 17. The PM will be attending the event through video conferencing.
PM Modi had started the “Mukhyamantri Amrutam (MA)” scheme in 2012 when he was the Chief Minister of Gujarat. The scheme was aimed at protecting poor citizens from the catastrophic costs of medical treatment and illness.
In the year 2014, ”MA” Yojana was extended to cover those families who are having an annual income limit of Rs. 4 lakh.
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Later, this scheme was extended to several other groups as well. The scheme was rebranded as Mukhyamantri Amrutam Vatsalya (MAV) Yojana.
In a press release, Centre claimed that ‘MA’ was a success and while drawing inspiration from it, PM launched the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) in 2018.
Also Read: PM to start distribution of PMJAY-MA Yojana Ayushman cards
With the launch of the AB-PMJAY, Gujarat integrated MA / MAV Yojana with the AB-PM-JAY scheme in 2019 with the name PMJAY-MA Yojana and the beneficiaries under MA/MAV and AB-PMJAY became eligible for co-branded PMJAY-MA cards.
During the programme, Prime Minister will kickstart the distribution of these cards, after which printed 50 lakh coloured Ayushman cards will be distributed to all the beneficiaries across Gujarat, at their doorstep, by National Health Authority empanelled agencies after doing e-KYC of beneficiaries.