Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday wrote a letter to Ujjwala beneficiary Meera Manjhi as well as sent gifts for her and her family. Modi visited Meera’s home on December 30 during his visit to Ayodhya.
“After coming from Ayodhya, I watched your interviews on various TV channels. I am touched by the humility and confidence shown by you and your family members while sharing the experiences. The happiness of yours and crores of Indians is my wealth. It infuses me with more energy to work for the country,” the prime minister wrote in his letter.
“As the 100 millionth beneficiary of the Ujjwala Yojana, you are not just a statistic for me. I view it as an example of the fulfilment of dreams of crores of Indians,” he added.
PM Modi wrote a letter to Ujjwala beneficiary Meera Manjhi and sent gifts for her and her family
PM had visited her home during his Ayodhya visit on December 30
— ANI (@ANI) January 3, 2024
Prime Minister Modi unveiled various crucial development projects during his visit to Ayodhya. Meera Manjhi, a beneficiary of the Ujjwala scheme, was among the individuals he interacted with on this occasion.