A 25-year-old junior doctor in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, has been arrested for allegedly raping a colleague at an abandoned hostel in a government-run medical college. The incident occurred on Monday while the victim was preparing for an exam and staying at the girls’ hostel of Gajraraja Medical College.
According to police reports, the accused, who is also a junior doctor and studied alongside the victim, called her to meet at an old boys’ hostel that has been left unused. When she arrived, he allegedly threatened her and committed the assault. After the incident, the victim managed to reach out for help and filed a complaint at the Kampu police station.
City Superintendent of Police Ashok Jadon confirmed that the accused was arrested shortly after the complaint was lodged. He has been booked under relevant legal provisions as investigations continue into this serious case.
This incident comes in the wake of heightened concerns regarding safety for female doctors in India, especially following a tragic case last year where another junior doctor was raped and murdered in Kolkata.
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