The Lok Sabha elections 2024 are near but BJP still hasn’t unveiled its complete list of candidates. The party hasn’t finalized the contestants to be fielded from the seats of Pilibhit, Moradabad, Kaiserganj, and Saharanpur, where polling is scheduled to happen in the very first phase on April 19. However, Varun Gandhi, the MP from Pilibhit has started campaigning though his name hasn’t been declared yet by the party.
Varun’s name be vapourised?
After the verbal differences that occurred between Varun and the BJP in the last few years, speculations are making rounds if the party will grant him a chance again. If sources are to be believed, the differences have broadened to the extent that Maneka Gandhi had to intervene. She has spoken with the top leadership and offered to give up her seat if her son is given an opportunity. However, his determination of Varun can be analyzed by the fact that he is actively campaigning and has bought the nomination form already. He might contest as an independent candidate if the BJP doesn’t rope him in.
Kaiserganj without Brij Bhushan Singh?
Another hot seat where the BJP has still not revealed its cards is Kaiserganj. This territory was in much debate last year for the controversies its MP bagged. Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh is a name that anyone can bet on for winning that seat but after the mud-slinging at the international level in the molestation charges of wrestlers, it would be difficult for the saffron party to offer him a ticket. His son or wife may get a ticket this time as a substitute.
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Desire to despair
While Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh always remained intact to the BJP during the controversy. He maintained his statement of resigning if Modi asks him to do so. On the contrary, Varun Gandhi became quite vocal against the party and was seen a little close to the Gandhi family. Though it couldn’t be translated into an election ticket.
Now, as the ball is in the court of the BJP, the fate of Varun Gandhi remains in a bubble until the party puts a stamp on him.