A shocking incident took place in Noida in Uttar Pradesh. According to media reports, two people went to sleep after keeping the pot full of ‘Chole’ on the stove, after which both of them lost their lives.
As reported by NDTV, Upendra, 22, and Shivam, 23 used to live in the rented house in Noida Sector 70. Both of them used to sell ‘Chole Bhature’ and Khuche in a stall.
The initial investigation says that both of the men placed the pot on the stove on Friday night. After this, they went to sleep and left the gas open.
As quoted by NDTV, Noida Central Zone, Assistant Commissioner of Police Rajid Gupta said “The room got filled with smoke as the ‘chole’ [chickpeas] continued to cook on the stove.”
He further mentioned, “This combined with the smoke from the burning food resulted in a large amount of carbon monoxide in the house.”
This mistake by them led them to their death. The step of not turning off the gas caused a shortage of oxygen in the room.
The neighbours of the two men noticed the smoke coming out of their room. Later they broke the door and took the two men to the nearest individual. When they took both of them to the hospital, they were declared dead by the doctors.
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