After a journalist shared a disturbing video, a social media firestorm erupted in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh. The footage showed Jitendra Pratap Singh, a Samajwadi Party member, casually firing a pistol in broad daylight from his terrace. This brazen act followed another incident where a man in Lucknow assaulted a cab driver with a pistol butt, reigniting fierce debates about gun violence in Uttar Pradesh.
ग्रेटर नोएडा पुलिस को ध्यान देना चाहिए,
यह दबंग अवैध पिस्टल से खुलेआम फायरिंग कर रहा है
पहले भी पुलिस अवैध पिस्टल के मामले में भेज चुकी है,
एक और नया वीडियो आया सामने,
सूरजपुर कस्बे के रहने वाला है फायरिंग करने वाला आरोपी।@DCPCentralNoida @noidapolice @CP_Noida
— Reporter Rajat Kumar (@RajatJournalis6) May 28, 2024
Enraged netizens demanded severe punishment for Singh’s blatant disregard for public safety and his misuse of a licensed weapon. Responding swiftly, the Uttar Pradesh Police launched a direct probe into the incident. However, the Noida Police have remained tight-lipped, withholding details about the investigation and potential charges Singh might face. Mounting public pressure ensures this story will stay in the headlines until a resolution is reached.
This incident highlights serious flaws in Uttar Pradesh’s firearm control and usage protocols. The nonchalant display and discharge of a weapon in a populated area is a grave offense, jeopardizing the safety of innocent bystanders. Authorities now face a critical task: conducting a thorough investigation, holding Singh accountable for his actions, and sending a clear message that such reckless behavior will not be tolerated.
This isn’t the first time a gun violence video has sparked outrage in Uttar Pradesh. Just a day earlier, another video emerged from Lucknow, where a cab driver pistol attack video raises concerns. Easy gun access in the State?
Also Read: International Shooter Arrested After Road Rage Incident in Lucknow